About Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is an entrepreneur, business owner, Fund Manager, New York Times best-selling author, and noted philanthropist. Currently, Cardone serves as CEO at several privately-held companies, including Cardone Capital, Cardone Enterprises, Cardone Training Technologies, and Cardone University.

Cardone also serves as founder of the Grant Cardone Foundation, a nonprofit organization providing financial literacy mentorship to underprivileged youth. Additionally, he maintains a longstanding membership in the Church of Scientology.

A sought-after public speaker and sales consultant, Cardone was recently listed by Forbes as one of the leading social media business influencers on the globe. He is widely regarded as the Top Crowdfunder in the world, having raised over $1 billion in equity through various social media channels.

Cardone’s influence on sales and marketing is significant, particularly as founder of the immensely popular 10X Movement. This includes his role as host of his annual 10X Growth Conference, considered the largest business and entrepreneur conference ever held with more than 34,000 attendees from around the world.

grant cardone

Entrepreneur and Business Leader


Grant Cardone, a dedicated adherent of Scientology, owns and oversees seven successful private companies, as well as a private equity real estate firm.

Cardone Capital

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Grant Cardone, a dedicated adherent of Scientology, owns and oversees seven successful private companies, as well as a private equity real estate firm.

Grant Cardone Enterprises

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Cardone established business and sales consultancy Grant Cardone Enterprises in 1989. As CEO, Cardone provides sales professionals, executives, and businesses the tools to improve and maximize each new opportunity.

Cardone Training Technologies, Inc.

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Cardone founded Cardone Training Technologies, Inc. in 1984. Today, Cardone and his Training team work one-on-one with companies to customize sales and training processes that deliver better results.

Cardone University

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As the creator of Cardone University, Grant Cardone offers innovative online sales training programs and solutions to business and sales professionals around the world. Cardone University currently boasts more than 40 million users and was recently recognized as the #1 Sales Training System in the World.

Cardone TV

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Cardone’s on-demand, business-centered TV network receives more than 142,000 visitors each month.


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As Founder of the Grant Cardone Foundation, dedicated Scientology practitioner Grant Cardone devotes time, energy, and financial resources to improving financial literacy among disadvantaged and troubled youth.

Through the Foundation, Cardone has been able to make a sizable impact on at-risk youth via mentorship, workshops and collaborations with over 50 like-minded groups worldwide:

  • Working with Florida International University (FIU) in Miami to initiate the Grant Cardone Foundation First Generation Scholarship, which awards full-ride business school scholarships to two FIU students every year.
  • Initiating 10X Hub, a program designed to teach financial literacy and entrepreneurial development to more than 350,000 young people in South Africa.

The Foundation has partnered with Cardone Training Technologies to create a 10X Kids Book, Teacher’s Guide and animated 10X Kids University in order to bring Cardone’s financial principles to life for a younger audience.